‘Seed to Celebration’ aims to inspire sustainability by celebrating what we create from seeds. It is at the heart of the What Happens Next Project’s philosophy and is an expression of how we understand sustainability. For example, embedding the notion of a harvest celebration helps people to appreciate the hard work that goes into any garden project.
We want to inspire and support activities that bring people and communities together to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of their labour.
1. The Seed to Celebration Giveaway
Seed to Celebration Giveaway is available to anyone who wants to begin or maintain a successful sustainable project. We have created a free book which has interactive links. The plants are limited to 7 herbs, 6 vegetables, an apple tree, a lavender hedge and a wormery. The information is designed specifically for a summer BBQ and for Christmas presents during the winter festivities.
The garden management plan is a joined-up approach which integrates the composting system, plant feeding, harvesting, and seed saving. Clicking the links on the plan takes you to online information.
By having a joined-up and consistent approach to gardening sustainably the user is able to re-use many of the resources in their garden, reduce the need for toxic fertilisers or herbicides, and is able to continue and improve the garden and celebration event every year.
2. The What Happens Next Garden
The Seed to Celebration Giveaway can be applied to any new or existing garden.
However, every garden is different and the giveaway resources are quite restrictive so you will miss many of the opportunities to become super self-sufficient.
We can design a sustainable garden/ outdoor space for you, and if feasible, we can build it for you.
The design of the garden will be tailored to your garden and will include a herb bed, a vegetable planter, a fruit tree, a hedge and lots of heritage seeds and heritage plants.
Alongside the planting scheme will be a rainwater harvesting system and a composting system (including a wormery).
With the help of a management plan, you will be able to minimise the need to use fertilisers or herbicides, and use nutrient-rich rainwater to irrigate your crops. The management plan also plans out how to re-use your seed so you can continue the crop for next year.
The joined-up approach to the management plan will mean you can re-use the seeds, remove toxins from your garden and increase the nutrients in your food. If you appreciate that nutrient-rich diet is the secret to resilience, health and performance, then this garden is for you.
Above all, in addition to the sustainable garden practices and nutrient-rich food, the interactive plan is focused on a final celebration. A final celebration at an event where the plants in the garden are used, appreciated and shared with your friends. This is what it is all about. To come together and celebrate nature.
Click here for more information, or get in contact.
The Background and how it started
In 2015 The What Happens Next Project first tested the idea. We gave away a free learning resource to every primary school in Bristol. The initiative was inspired by the Bristol 2015 European Green Capital and supported by Bristol Green Capital Partnership.
Since then we have developed the idea further. We are looking for an opportunity to create a digital platform to enable the sharing of knowledge and information, offer inspiration and nurture creativity.
Click here for case studies and photos of the project. For further information on our wider aims please download a pamphlet in the link below.
Click here to download more ‘Seed to Celebration’ info